

Raglan Eco-village Project

Raglan Eco-village Project, a new opportunity is being developing for the wellbeing of our region

“It’s all about coming together for the good of both land and people” Nadine, the visionary behind the new Raglan Eco Village says.

In Whaingaroa, a wellbeing and ecological initiative is taking shape, the Raglan Eco-Village, a project with a vision that states: “To live in a regenerative way, healing and connecting the whenua and people”.  

The idea developed by Nadine Simsar is steadily progressing: “I spent time living in an eco-village when I visited my sister in France, and I instantly discovered the benefits this kind of living can bring to the community, not just in terms of well-being due to the interconnections or for protection of the natural ecosystems, but also I thought it could be also a way to solve some of the housing issue in New Zealand”

Similar in nature to Earthsong – an innovative cohousing community that mushroomed in west Auckland well over a decade ago now – the Raglan Ecovillage Project would ideally have between 30 to 50 sustainable ecohouses based on 23ha of land for residents who believe shared living is the way of the future. Part of the land will be dedicated to restoration. 

This will transform what was farming  land into a sanctuary of endemic plants and animals to preserve our nature for future generations.. 
At this stage the project is trying to reach funds for its feasibility study. Although the project is working with the hypothesis of the land secured on Upper Wainui Rd, they are developing a conceptual design proposal that can be applied to other places, not just because we need to be open to other locations but also because the aim is that the feasibility study could be used, applied and transferred to other initiatives in the region.

For more information contact the  Raglan Ecovillage team: