The 4th Aotearoa SDG Summit series has now concluded its lead up webinars, and we are now less than 60 days away from the 2 day summit in early February 2023.
The final webinar on “Reimagining the Economy” was held on 7 December. Speakers included Taiporutu Hauraki(Ngaati Hauaa, Ngaati Werewere) and SDG 6 manu taki; Justin Connolly, founding member of the Aotearoa New Zealand hub of WEAl and WWP Kaitiaki Advisory Board member and Reza Yacobi, founder of XertCoin. A big thanks to our amazing MC Malu Monise from Te Pukenga.
You can watch this webinar, and the two previous on sustaining te Taiao and sustaining he tangata here: 2022 - 2023 Current Summit | SDGsummits.
The 2-day summit in February 2023 will be an awesome couple of days with a packed schedule of amazing speakers and field trips. Key speakers include:
- Hinerangi Raumati (Chair of Tainui Group Holdings)
- Rachel Karalus (CEO of K'aute Pasifika)
- Paula Southgate (Mayor of Hamilton)
- Gareth Hughes (Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa)
- Riria (Missy) Te Kanawa (National Industry Lead, Māori at KPMG)
- Peter Gluckman (Chief Science Advisor 2009-2018)
- Ganesh Ahirao Nana (Chair of the Productivity Commission)
The WWP will also be releasing its 2021-23 progress report at the event, so I'd love you to be there to hear how we, and the region, have been travelling towards our ambitious 2030 targets.
To register take the link below. The generosity of our sponsors has allowed us to offer a heavily discounted registration fee. These are available until 20 January 2023, after which time late fees will apply- so get in now!
A big shout out to our fellow organising team members Lynda Johnston (University of Waikato) Ehsan Yaeghoobi (Te Pukenga) and Lorraine Dixon (Waikato Tainui), and the teams at The University of Waikato and ForumPoint2 Conference Partners