As part of our contribution to SDG 13 Climate Action, alongside Trust Waikato, Hamilton City Council and the University of Waikato, the Waikato Wellbeing Project is excited to again be a major co-sponsor of the Impact Hub’s Waikato Climathon.
Waikato Climathon is your chance to act - and for the second year in a row, this global hackathon event is coming to the Waikato region. At the heart of Climathon is an Ideathon, where you can work in a team with fellow changemakers from across the region to imagine, explore, and develop innovative solutions to our shared climate challenges.
In 2022 more than 60 changemakers from across the region came together online to develop tangible solutions to some of the Waikato’s greatest climate challenges. After a week of developing, validating, and testing ideas under the guidance of local climate heroes and experts, an online climate action volunteer platform - Enviro Story, walked away with $2,000 of prize money to help turn their idea into reality.
This year’s Ideathon is happening on May 20th at the University of Waikato. It’s free to enter, and all participants will be supported by local subject matter experts and sustainability champions as they spend the day developing and pitching their ideas for climate action. Prize money is available to help winning ideas become a reality.
If you are keen to take part or participate in the Climathon, take this link: Climathon Waikato | Impact Hub Waikato Ltd or contact Emma Sinclair at the Waikato Impact Hub:
Image: Impact Hub Waikato Community Director Emma Sinclair