In early 2023, along with key Waikato wellbeing agencies, we were invited by the Mayor and Council of Thames Coromandel District Council (TCDC) to visit their district and discuss support in the aftermath of cyclones Hale and Gabrielle. At that meting the role of wellbeing knowledge was discussed at length and it was agreed that the WWP could support TCDC and other wellbeing agencies in the area, to better understand what wellbeing means for people in the Hauraki rohe and how that night change over time.
We have now partnered with Huber Social, Te Tara o te Whai (the Hauraki Primary Health Organisation (PHO)), TCDC, Hauraki and Matamata-Piako District Councils to deliver in co-construction with the people of Hauraki a repeatable Wellbeing Measurement and Management System that measures what matters to them, so that their needs, aspirations, and priorities can be further understood and evidenced, and so that important choices regarding the present and future wellbeing of the region can be made wisely. This project was launched in November and the work will be completed in August-September 2024.
For more information on this initiative, contact Michelle Macaskill:
Te Ara Poutama is supported by an Oversight Group. A big thank you to group members Karen Bennett, Justin Connolly, Rogena Sterling and Dennis Turton for their ongoing guidance and support, as well as all the people and organisations across the Waikato and New Zealand who have continued data and insights for Te Ara Poutama.