

Te Ara Poutama- Hauraki Opportunity

Updated provided by Michelle Macaskill, acting CEO Huber Social

The Hauraki Opportunity is the flagship project of Te Ara Poutama, designed to deliver in co-construction with the people of Hauraki a repeatable Wellbeing Measurement and Management System that measures what matters to them, so that their needs, aspirations, and priorities can be further understood and evidenced, and so that – aligned to the intentions of Te Ara Poutama - important choices regarding the present and future wellbeing of the region can be made wisely.

Progress Overview

Measurement Plan

The Hauraki Opportunity’s Measurement Plan and accompanying tools are undergoing final internal review, before being shared with project partners mid-August. Included in this is details on:

  • Scope of measurement

  • Wellbeing baseline model

  • Measurement approach (including team, survey development, and survey distribution)

  • Measurement activities

  • Sample size requirements

  • Project timeline and responsibilities

  • Final deliverable details

  • Ethical considerations and procedures

  • Copy of survey questions to be asked, for discussion and feedback


Ongoing Engagement with Community

The Hauraki Opportunity team continue to engage with community members around the Hauraki rohe to ensure the best spread of voices heard, with engagement planned to continue up until the release of the survey in October. The team met with several Māori community representatives and travelled back to Thames to continue existing relationships and engagements at that location. In August there are plans to present at the Better Futures Hauraki Forum, with another visit to Kaiaua also in planning, in addition to activities in the Paeroa and Waihi areas.

Data Sovereignty

The Governance Group Draft Terms of Reference has been developed ahead of the Governance Group’s first meeting at the end of August. Receiving further insights from subject matter experts Rogena Stirling from the Waikato Wellbeing Project Te Ara Poutama advisory panel and Atawhai Tibble, Māori Wellbeing Advisor, the Draft Terms of Reference aim to ensure the optimal outcome for sovereignty of data for those in Hauraki rohe for the Hauraki Opportunity project, upholding the above objectives of the project, with minimal work for the Governance Group ongoing by leveraging existing Te Tara o te Whai alliance membership. Specifically, complying with review processes that govern collection, storage, and publication of data to protect community and Māori persons and the collective that is iwi and hapū from adverse effects and facilitate access to research benefits.

Education Modules

Education Modules have been included in the scope of the Hauraki Opportunity project to empower organisations and communities with the practical knowledge for ethical and robust measurement. We will continue our support of the development of the Governance Group, as required, and with a better understanding of how best to deliver this knowledge to the community at this point in the project, suggest the following education modules:

  • Education module #1: Tailored data insights and findings for Te Tara o Te Whai

  • Webinar on final findings and insights from the Hauraki Opportunity community wellbeing baseline, tailored for Hauraki PHO to inform strategy.

  • Education module #2: Tailored data insights and findings for Hauraki District Council

  • Webinar on final findings and insights from the Hauraki Opportunity community wellbeing baseline, tailored for Hauraki DC to inform strategy.

  • Education module #3: Tailored data insights and findings for Matamata-Piako District Council

  • Webinar on final findings and insights from the Hauraki Opportunity community wellbeing baseline, tailored for MPDC to inform strategy.

  • Education module #4: Tailored data insights and findings for Thames Coromandel District Council

  • Webinar on final findings and insights from the Hauraki Opportunity community wellbeing baseline, tailored for TCDC to inform strategy.

  • Education module #5: The state of wellbeing in the Hauraki Rohe

  • Webinar on final findings and insights from the Hauraki Opportunity community wellbeing baseline with a focus on flax roots utilisation of the data set and findings. Public presentation of report.


Next Steps

Engagement Continues

With a particular emphasis on ensuring invitations to engage have been received by iwi and hapu across the rohe, deeper engagement within the disability community (supported by TCDC), and continued outreach in areas of interest across Hauraki.

Presentation of Draft Wellbeing Baseline, Measurement Plan, and Survey questions (August 2024 onwards) The plan and tools will be presented for feedback to the project partners, and community members who have opted in to the review process, before being finalised.

First Governance Group Meeting (end of August 2024)

The first Governance Group meeting is scheduled for the end of August 2024 to share draft terms of reference and purpose of the group. Those who have expressed interest from the community and members of the Te Tara o te Whai alliance have been invited, the meeting is open to all with interest. For more information contact

Survey Distribution

When the survey is ready, it will be distributed to residents of the Hauraki rohe using the relationships and tools -including a video introduction - built up over the previous two phases. The success of phases 1 and 2 will result in a wider pool of possible survey respondents, especially for populations and places of interest. Assets and guidelines for the promotion of and support of the survey will continue to be developed and refined.

For more information visit our website at Hauraki Opportunity | Waikato Wellbeing Project or contact the Hauraki Opportunity at