

Welcome Quanita Ali

As part of our 2924-25 Business Plan, we committed to a greater focus on our existing programmes, including Te Ara Poutama. We undertook a search for a suitably qualified and experienced person to lead Te Ara Poutama and were delighted with the quantity and calibre of people who applied, both from within the Waikato and across New Zealand.

We are very excited to welcome Quanita Ali to the Waikato Wellbeing Project as our Te Ara Poutama Lead. Quanita brings an impressive set of skills and experience to this role. She has a Masters degree in Economic Policy and Development from the University of York, postgraduate certificates in Sustainability Economics from the University of Cambridge and Data Science and Analytics from the London School of Economics.

Quanita has over 15 years of leadership experience in community-led development, strategic policy implementation, and partnership building across governmental and non-governmental sectors. Her work experience includes the World Bank, United Nations, Auckland Council and MBIE.

As well as leading and coordinating our current programme of knowledge work, Quantia is also developing our forward programme for the next 12 months and beyond.

If you would like to get in touch with Quanita, please email her at: