District Wellbeing:
Wellbeing Frameworks
Data and Knowledge
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
A quarterly snapshot of key socio-economic indicators for the Hamilton City District.
ii. The source(s) of information
Dot Loves Data
For more detailed information and to explore options for more bespoke reports go to:
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
May 2023
Updated continuously
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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. An adequate description of the dataset
The need to have social and demographic data about communities increased following the adverse weather events that impacted communities across the North Island in early 2023. Following these events and to support communities as they recover, the Social Wellbeing Agency developed a data explorerto bring a range of information together for decision-makers.
ii. The source(s) of information
Social Wellbeing Agency
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Updated continuously
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The purpose of this study is to understand the wellbeing of Hamilton residents in 12 community profile areas, to understand their views and sentiments of residents in Hamilton City and track key indicators so that public products and services can be improved over time by the Hamilton City Council.
ii. The source(s) of information
Hamilton City Council
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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YWCA Hamilton has launched the Young Waikato Women’s Wellbeing Baseline Report, a study that highlights the wellbeing of young women and sex/gender diverse individuals in the region.
Progress Reports
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The Quality of Life survey was first conducted in 2003, repeated in 2004 and has been undertaken every two years since. The number of participating councils has varied each time.
Nine councils participated in the 2022 Quality of Life survey project, as follows:
Auckland Council
Hamilton City Council
Tauranga City Council
Hutt City Council
Porirua City Council
Wellington City Council
Christchurch City Council
Dunedin City Council
Greater Wellington Regional Council
ii. The source(s) of information
The Quality of Life Project | Rangahau te Korou o te Ora
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings