Rangatahi Opportunity
Want to learn more about the Rangatahi Project?

The Waikato Wellbeing Project is a regional initiative to achieve a more environmentally sustainable, prosperous and inclusive Waikato region by 2030. Mātauranga and Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) principles are embedded within the Waikato Wellbeing Project.
Utilising our kete of innovation tools the Waikato Wellbeing Project aims to accelerate impact through uncovering insights and breakthrough thinking. Supporting the work of our manu taki (target leaders) and the wider community.
The Waikato Rangatahi Opportunity aims to uncover root causes and insights that fundamentally transforms systems that deliver greater outcomes for rangatahi, whānau and our wider community.

Our vision is that all of our young people are engaged, thriving and are learning or earning a livelihood, their mana is enhanced, and they are on a positive pathway to have many life options

Want to learn more about the Rangatahi Project?