Sustainable Development Goals 13
Reduce carbon emissions by a minimum of 25% by 2030 (from 13.8 mt/yr/Co2e to 10 mt/yr/CO2e), on the path to net carbon zero by 2050.
Our people will be doing their part to transition to a cleaner, healthier, climate resilient region.
In 2020, global energy-related CO2 emissions rose by 6.0 per cent as demand for coal, oil and gas rebounded. At 31 March 2021, 125 of 154 developing countries were prioritizing formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans in their adaptation efforts.

global energy-related CO2 emissions in 2021

Increase in global mean temperature since 1880, +0.13º C per decade since 1979

Annual global sea level increase since 1992
In 2021 our net greenhouse gas emissions were 26.1 percent higher than 1990 due to the underlying increase in gross emissions. In the 22 years to 2019, Aotearoa had its
five warmest years on record: in 1998, 1999, 2016, 2018, and 2019.

New Zealand’s gross greenhouse gas emissions in 2020

Increase in GHG emissions from transport since 1990
91.2% from road vehicles

average annual relative sea-level rise for the 100 years up to 2015
The Waikato region is already experiencing the effects of our changing climate. The region has key opportunities to focus reduction efforts on agriculture and transport and considers options for maintaining or increasing carbon removal potential through forestry.

Waikato gross greenhouse gas emissions in 2021 (2007 = 15.2)

Waikato’s per capita net emissions compared to the national average

removal of gross emissions by the forestry sector, (double the national average)
Tell me more about this
i. An adequate description of the dataset
This report presents Waikato regional and territorial local authority results from a survey undertaken in parallel with the 2022 Quality of Life Survey (a collaboration between nine New Zealand councils including Hamilton).
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Regional Council
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
November 2022
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation,planningandstrategies
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
Tell me more about this
i. An adequate description of the dataset
A set of indicators which measure the Waikato region’s progress by identifying our current situation and trends across each of 32 key economic, environmental and social aspects.
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Progress Indicators:
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
May 2023
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation,planningandstrategies
vi. Any quality/data health warnings