Te Ara Poutama
Waikato Wellbeing Knowledge Initiative
Waikato people, at all levels, are empowered to make important choices wisely for their present and future wellbeing
Te Ara Poutama
Enables people/groups/communities to develop and apply their own definitions of wellbeing.
Builds and shares understandings and insights into wellbeing and how to maintain/improve it.
Supports both quantitative and qualitative knowledge, recognising that insights are not always supported by quantitative data.
Responsive and Respectful of Knowledge Sovereignty and Governance
All knowledge has mana and sovereignty. Knowledge will only be shared with permission of the owner(s).
Māori data knowledge and sovereignty will be upheld.
A Digital Library
A navigator and connector- aggregating knowledge and providing insight.
An accessible portal to wellbeing knowledge and insights for more organisations and communities.
A platform for addressing gaps and collecting new bottom-up data.
A provider of regional, community, and topic specific insights and reports.
A network facilitator - connecting researchers and improving access to tools and resources.
A thought leader – sharing insights on key regional and local wellbeing issues/opportunities.
How this page works:
This page shares wellbeing knowledge at several different scales and perspectives. The scales include:
Aotearoa | New Zealand
Waikato Region
Waikato Districts
Waikato Localities
At each scale, we share information through the perspectives of :
(a) wellbeing frameworks
(b) data and knowledge; and
(c) progress reports.
With wellbeing frameworks, we have shared links to a number of different frameworks which are available. In all cases, frameworks are shown at the largest scale they are applicable to, and they can be applied at all scales smaller than this. For example the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a globally developed framework which can be applied at any scale. The New Zealand Living Standards Framework was developed at the all of New Zealand level and has relevance in New Zealand to the small scale local, but does not directly apply at the global level. Users should check each framework for any advice on application.

Current Research
Tell us what matters most
Tukua tō reo kia rere

Wellbeing Frameworks
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
ii. The source(s) of information
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Framework review by 2030
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
United Nations. www.sdgs.un.org/contact
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The Doughnut consists of two concentric rings: a social foundation, to ensure that no one is left falling short on life’s essentials, and an ecological ceiling, to ensure that humanity does not collectively overshoot the planetary boundaries that protect Earth's life-supporting systems. Between these two sets of boundaries lies a doughnut-shaped space that is both ecologically safe and socially just: a space in which humanity can thrive.
The Doughnut is the core concept at the heart of Doughnut Economics.
ii. The source(s) of information
Kate Raworth, 2012 A safe and just space for humanity. Can we live within the doughnut?
A Safe and Just Space for Humanity: Can we live within the doughnut? (oxfam.org)
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Initial paper 2012, book publication 2017
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
Doughnut Economics. www.doughnuteconomics.org/contact
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The planetary boundaries concept presents a set of nine planetary boundaries within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive for generations to come.
ii. The source(s) of information
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Initial paper 2009, updated framework 2015 (Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet | Science)
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
Data and Knowledge
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The SDG Tracker presents data across all available indicators from the Our World in Data database, using official statistics from the UN and other international organizations. This free, open-access information tracks global progress towards the SDGs and allows people worldwide to hold their governments accountable for achieving the agreed goals
ii. The source(s) of information
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Data is continuously collected and updated
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
Our World in Data. info@ourworldindata.org
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
Refer to website.
Progress Reports
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022 provides a global overview of progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, using the latest available data and estimates. It tracks the global and regional progress towards the 17 Goals with in-depth analyses of selected indicators for each Goal.
ii. The source(s) of information
United Nations. www.unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2022
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Annual, to be updated 2023
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
United Nations.
Email: statistics@un.org
vi. Any quality/data health warnings

Wellbeing Frameworks
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The Living Standards Framework (LSF) is a flexible framework that prompts our thinking about policy impacts across the different dimensions of wellbeing, as well as the long-term and distributional issues and implications of policy.
It supports New Zealand Treasury analysts by providing a framework to understand the drivers of wellbeing and to consider the broader impacts of our policy advice in a systematic and evidenced way.
ii. The source(s) of information
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
The Treasury has been iteratively developing the LSF since 2011, building on related work going back to at least 1999. A revised Living Standards Framework was released in 2018, with a further update completed in 2021.
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
He Ara Waiora presents a holistic, intergenerational approach to wellbeing and deepens our understanding of living standards. While its principles are derived from mātauranga Māori, many of its elements are relevant to lifting the intergenerational wellbeing of all New Zealanders.
He Ara Waiora articulates both the ENDS, or what are important elements in Māori perceptions of wellbeing and living standards, and the MEANS, or the tikanga values or principles that help us achieve the ends.
ii. The source(s) of information
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Initially developed by the Tax Working Group 2019, further developed in 2021 and updated in 2023
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The model describes health and wellbeing as a wharenui/meeting house with four walls. These walls represent taha wairua/spiritual wellbeing, taha hinengaro/mental and emotional wellbeing, taha tinana/physical wellbeing and taha whānau/family and social wellbeing. Our connection with the whenua/land forms the foundation. When all these things are in balance, we thrive. When one or more of these is out of balance our wellbeing is impacted.
ii. The source(s) of information
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Developed by leading Māori health advocate Sir Mason Durie in 1984.
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
Ministry of Health: info@health.govt.nz
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
A paper prepared by the Treasury recognising the growing influence and impact of the Pacific diaspora and intergenerational population on the New Zealand economy and on New Zealand’s place in the wider Pacific region.
ii. The source(s) of information
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
August 2018
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
The Treasury: information@treasury.govt.nz
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
Data and Knowledge
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The LSF Dashboard provides the indicators that the Treasury believes are most important to inform our wellbeing reporting and our policy advice on cross-government wellbeing priorities.
ii. The source(s) of information
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
The LSF Dashboard was first released in December 2018. In December 2019, the LSF Dashboard was updated to change some of the indicators and add new distributional charts, with a focus on improving alignment with Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa and responding to recommendations from the OECD.
The LSF Dashboard was refreshed on 12 April 2022 to reflect the changes made to the Living Standards Framework in 2021. The data was updated on 30 March 2023 and it includes data up to 27 February 2023.
The Treasury is now updating the data in the LSF Dashboard every six months (around April and October) to support ongoing wellbeing reporting.
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa – Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand presents the big picture of our lives as New Zealanders. More than 100 indicators have been chosen to measure topics. These indicators aim to help all of us monitor progress around our social, cultural, economic, and environmental wellbeing.
ii. The source(s) of information
Statistics New Zealand: statisticsnz.shinyapps.io/wellbeingindicators/
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
August 2018
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
The Treasury: information@treasury.govt.nz
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
SDG.org.nz is a public good contribution by the School of Government, of the Victoria University of Wellington in response to sustainability action taking place in organizations, communities, and governments in New Zealand and around the world.
ii. The source(s) of information
Victoria University of Wellngton: New Zealand Sustainable Development Goals (sdg.org.nz)
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
A web based dashboard which provides data on many of the social, incomes and income assistance activities which the Ministry of Social Development undertakes.
ii. The source(s) of information
Ministry of Social Development
Social Development Data
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
2024, continuously updated
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
Feedback and enquiry form - Ministry of Social Development
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
Progress Reports
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The Treasury draws on the Living Standards Framework and He Ara Waiora to provide insight into a range of aspects of life that New Zealanders value. Te Tai Waiora uses these frameworks to provide a high-level overview of wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand, how it has changed over decades, and how well we are positioned to sustain our wellbeing over time.
ii. The source(s) of information
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Published November 2022
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
New Zealand’s first Voluntary National Review of its progress to implement the United Nations SDGs
ii. The source(s) of information
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: 23333New_Zealand_Voluntary_National_Review_2019_Final.pdf
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
July 2019
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: cmd@mfat.govt.nz
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
The People’s Report is an Alternate Report on the SDGs and includes 17 reports contributed to by more than 20 New Zealanders from different organisations. They share a commitment to a more just, equal and sustainable world and have individual or organisational perspectives on a particular goal or target.
ii. The source(s) of information
Victoria University of Wellington: People’s Report – New Zealand Sustainable Development Goals (sdg.org.nz)
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
A review of how the Government is demonstrating its commitment to the 2030 Agenda. We looked at what arrangements are in place and how the Government is encouraging stakeholders and the public to engage with efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals by 2030.
ii. The source(s) of information
Office of the Auditor General and Controller: The Government’s preparedness to implement the sustainable development goals (oag.parliament.nz)
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
August 2021
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings

Wellbeing Frameworks
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
A project which aims to ensure that Waikato people, at all levels, are empowered to make important choices wisely for their present and future wellbeing.
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Wellbeing Project:
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
Updated continuously
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
A summary of the Waikato region’s economic prosperity framework which identifies key growth opportunities, foundational elements and growth enablers.
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Regional Economic Priorities 2022-2025 RSPF Overview (1).pdf (windows.net)
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
Data and Knowledge
Tell me more about this
i. An adequate description of the dataset
A project which aims to ensure that Waikato people, at all levels, are empowered to make important choices wisely for their present and future wellbeing.
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Wellbeing Project: https://www.waikatowellbeingproject.co.nz/te-ara-poutama/
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
A set of indicators which measure the Waikato region’s progress by identifying our current situation and trends across each of 32 key economic, environmental and social aspects.
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Progress Indicators:
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
May 2023
Updated continuously
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
This report presents Waikato regional and territorial local authority results from a survey undertaken in parallel with the 2022 Quality of Life Survey (a collaboration between nine New Zealand councils including Hamilton).
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Regional Council
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
November 2022
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
Waikato Vital Signs® is a community check-up that reports on the social, environmental, cultural and economic wellbeing of our communities, joining the dots between statistical information and what matters most to the people ‘living on the ground’.
ii. The source(s) of information
Momentum Foundation
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
2018 Census data about Waikato Region. Topics include population, ethnicity, religion, health, employment, income, education, and housing.
ii. The source(s) of information
Statistics New Zealand
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
Progress Reports
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i. An adequate description of the dataset
A report which summarises the progress made by the Waikato Wellbeing Project 2020-2022, and also provides updates on the [progress being made towards the WWP targets and goals.
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Wellbeing Project: https://www.waikatowellbeingproject.co.nz/detailed-targets/
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
Tell me more about this
i. An adequate description of the dataset
This document summarises latest results from the Waikato Progress Indicators (WPI) – Tupuranga Waikato monitoring programme, updated in May 2023. The WPI is an online dashboard of 32 economic, social, cultural and environmental indicators.
ii. The source(s) of information
Waikato Progress Indicators:
iii. The date when the data was collected and the expected update frequency
May 2023
Updated continuously
iv. Any use or publication restrictions, including cultural restrictions
v. A contact person or organisation
vi. Any quality/data health warnings
The Waikato Wellbeing project has adopted the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework to capture our collective wellbeing goals and target by 2030. The framework has been adapted to reflect our understanding of the role of Te Taiao as the underlying capital that all wellbeing relies on, and the significant role that Te Ao Māori plays in any wellbeing initiative in Aotearoa New Zealand.

WELLBEING: By District
With our knowledge partners, Trust Waikato, Dot Loves Data and the Social Wellbeing Agency we are sharing wellbeing knowledge for each territorial authority/district in the Waikato Region.
Additional information will be uploaded as we coordinate and align district level wellbeing knowledge with local government and their work to identify community outcomes.
We are exploring opportunities to work with local communities to become more empowered with a deeper understanding subjective and quantitative wellbeing. A “community” could be a town, a locality, a neighbourhood, a cultural or ethnic group/sub group.
Te Ara Poutama has been supported by the following funding partners:
Te Ara Poutama acknowledges the contribution and generosity of the following knowledge partners: