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Poutoko: Impact Project Update: The Waikato Kai Challenge | He wero whai hua

The WWP has an ambitious goal of reducing child poverty in the Waikato region to less than 1% and eliminating child hunger by 2030.  The Waikato Kai Challenge is our initiative to understand how we might indeed end hunger in the Waikato using our operating model, adapted and led by our manu taki. We have now held two on-line hui to share the insights of people at the front line of the kai challenge, hearing from those who are finding new ways to understand the root causes of hunger and ways...

September 15, 2022

Poutoko: Impact Project Update: The Waikato Responsible Consumption Challenge | He wero kohi haepapa

The WWP’s SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) goal for the Waikato is that by 2030 there is a 50% reduction in Waste to landfill in our region.  The WWP recognises the importance of those goal not only from an environmental point of view but across a wide range of other wellbeing goals. Consistent with our operating model, we are supportive of efforts to deepen our insight into the way the “waste system” in the Waikato really works, and to them use that insight to support ...

September 15, 2022

Pūrākau: Waikato Wellbeing Knowledge Centre | Te ara poutama

During July and August, we have been engaging with a wide range of organisations regarding the concept of a Waikato Wellbeing Knowledge Centre. The feedback we have received has been positive, with stakeholders agreeing there are significant opportunities to improve how we collate, analyse and share knowledge on regional wellbeing. Engagement with stakeholders has confirmed the following needs:...

September 15, 2022

Refreshed WWP Website

As part of our refresh of our strategic direction, we are also refreshing and updating our website. The address remains the same- Waikato Wellbeing Project | Waikato Wellbeing Project, but the site now more clearly follows our strategic priorities above and links more clearly to the mahi we are doing. ...

September 15, 2022

Waha: Using our Voice to Advocate for Positive Change: Partnering with Wellbeing Leaders | Te mahi tahi me nga Kaihautu Ora

The Waikato Welling project has been collaborating with other organisations to advance our wellbeing goals. ...

September 15, 2022

Waha: Using our Voice to Advocate for Positive Change: Sharing the WWP Story | te tiri i te korero WWP

Sharing the WWP Story | te tiri i te korero WWP We were thrilled and honoured to be invited by South Waikato District Council to be part of their roadshow to Wellington at the end of August. The roadshow culminated in an event in the Grand Hall at Parliament Buildings in Wellington.  We were kindly hosted by local MPs Louise Upston and Adian Ruawhe, as well as co-hosts for the event South Waikato Mayor Jenny Shattock and Raukawa Chair Kataraina Hodge. The event featured and celebrated busin...

September 15, 2022

Global Progress on SDGs?

A recent article by the Brookings Institute says that “getting the SDGs back on track will require nothing sort of a global collective effort- by all and for all”. The three ingredients it concludes are both missing and urgently needed are: Action – “There is no shortage of action in the global system, but… global action is not directed intelligently toward global goals.” Bonding – “there is a growing consensus that new approaches to coordinating SDG action globall...

September 14, 2022

The University of Waikato, Waikato Tainui, the Waikato Wellbeing Project and Te Pūkenga presents 'Sustaining Te Taiao'

The University of Waikato, Waikato Tainui, the Waikato Wellbeing Project and Te Pūkenga welcome you to join them as they come together to commence the 4th Aotearoa New Zealand Sustainable Development Goals Summit Series for 2022 - 2023.  The theme for the 4th SDG Summit is: Māori, Indigenous and flax root community perspectives.The series will commence with three webinars. The purpose of these webinars are to explore dimensions of the Sustainable Develop...

August 11, 2022

Exploring perspectives on complexity, problems and wellbeing | He ketuketutanga

The WWP is all about developing a deeper level of understanding on the root cause of complex wellbeing challenges in the Waikato and facilitating breakthrough- however small. To make progress in this area demands a different way of thinking to traditional strategy and policy-making, with different tools and different perspectives. In his short e-book “Wicked Problems in Public Policy” Brian Head explores the controversial and messy nature of the big challenges facing us all, reflecting on th...

July 1, 2022

Waikato Kai Challenge | He wero whai hua

The Waikato Kai Challenge is our initiative to understand how we might end hunger in the Waikato using our operating model, adapted and led by our manu taki. The WWP has a target of reducing the number of children who live below the poverty line in the Waikato from about 17% to zero by 2030.  We know that the answers to our kai challenges often already exist, and will also require systems change. During Covid, Māori communities led the response and ensured the distribution of kai. And...

July 1, 2022

Waikato Wellbeing Knowledge Centre of Excellence | Te ara poutama

We are continuing to progress this concept with a wide range of partners across the Waikato and beyond.  Our key objectives remain the same: · An easily accessed digital ‘one stop shop’ for wellbeing data in the Waikato region, with an overall dashboard of key indicators that people can then drill into for more detail · A trusted source of knowledge on our wellbeing journey - used by organisations and stakeholders right across the region – we all sing from the same so...

July 1, 2022

Welcome Amy-Leigh Hopa | Nau mai, whakatau mai

We are thrilled to welcome Amy to the Waikato Wellbeing Project, focusing on the Rangatahi Opportunity Project. Amy-Leigh’s role with the Rangatahi Opportunity Project is as Pou Turuki, meaning:· To support · To guide · To spearhead (with regard to a waka) …around a call for collective action "Turuki! Turuki!, Paneke! Paneke!" To move, move, move forward. Amy-Leigh started recently with the team and is already having a huge positive impact as we move through our insight pro...

July 1, 2022

Lots of little fires

We are embarking on a series of short stories sharing the lives, perspectives and projects of inspiring people living across the Waikato. These will be short documentary style videos that dig a bit deeper into the lives of passionate people who are making positive change in their communities We will learn about what wellbeing means to them, and how who they are and what they do, impacts the wellbeing of those around them. The WWP provides a platform and a medium that can share their stories and ...

June 30, 2022

Rangatahi Opportunity Project

The Rangatahi Opportunity Project is moving into the co-design phase where we identify and support potential breakthrough. The Rangatahi Opportunity project is the first significant deployment of our operating model - combining available data and qualitative insights, from work undertaken by Te Ngira, as well as the lived experiences of rangatahi to build insights into the root causes influencing rangatahi wellbeing in the Waikato.  The aim of our kaupapa is to develop actions and initiativ...

June 30, 2022

The Waikato Kai Challenge - How might we end Hunger in the Waikato?

Our Manu Taki for SDG 1 and 2 Anna Casey-Cox, Norm Hill, Ioana Manu, Cilla Abbott and Rob Hoy are active in many aspects of achieving no poverty and zero hunger. They are actively engaged in services that meet immediate needs as well as being focused on enabling social change. Seminar One: On 22 June we held an online Hui hosted by the Waikato Wellbeing Project Manu Taki for SDG1&2 along with guest speakers, Joyce Maipi and Arthur Grimes....

June 20, 2022

Waikato Wellbeing Project - May 2022 Update

E aku iti, e aku rahi, tēnā koutouWelcome Joe Wilson! On Tuesday 26 April a powhiri was held to welcome Joe Wilson to the Waikato Wellbeing Project as our Lead Social Innovator.The powhiri was held at ZEAL in Hamilton and was an amazing gathering of many of the people connected to and supportive of the Kaupapa of the WWP. The event also showed the depth of connection and care that Joe brings to the project, which we are so humbled to have on board.  A big mihi to Tony O’Rourke from ZEAL...

May 30, 2022

Climathon Waikato

As part of our commitment to SDG 13 Climate Action, the WP has co-sponsored Climathon Waikato (Waikato ( Climathon Waikato is an opportunity for Waikato citizen leaders to use their skills to advance climate solutions, rethink the way we live and create a future we're proud to pass on to the next generation. At the heart of Climathon Waikato was an ideathon - where, from March 28th - April 3rd, teams of innovators worked with fellow changemakers to imagine, explore and develop ...

April 30, 2022

Impact Hub ‘TECH FOR GOOD’: TECHWEEK 2022 Online Event

Curious about ‘Tech for Good’ and what it’s all about? Join this virtual event as Impact Hub and friends take a deep-dive into Tech for Good solutions, and how Tech for Good is being progressed in Aotearoa. During this interactive session you will be introduced to Tech for Good founders and teams as they demonstrate their tech solutions to some of Aotearoa’s most pressing problems. You’ll get to enjoy and participate in a discussion between our speakers on how Tech for Good is dri...

April 30, 2022

Waikato Wellbeing Knowledge Centre of Excellence

A key goal of the WWP is to contribute towards environmental, social and economic wellbeing without duplicating the roles and functions of other mandated Waikato wellbeing organisations. In addition to the WWP, many organisations in the region collect, analyse and publish data on wellbeing, but these efforts are not fully integrated and coordinated, resulting in a patchwork of information and knowledge. While options exist, there is no identified home for this information at present. We hav...

April 30, 2022

WWP Business Plan

In our February update we described the process to develop our business plan to cover the period 2022-23. We described the plan as building up a matrix approach towards the roles and functions we undertake, making clear the choices we have made about: ·       Which SDGs we prioritise (vertical priorities)·       What tools we use (horizontal priorities)·       The extent of our involvement- both ver...

April 30, 2022

Welcome Joe Wilson!

On Tuesday 26 April a powhiri was held to welcome Joe Wilson to the Waikato Wellbeing Project as our Lead Social Innovator.The powhiri was held at ZEAL in Hamilton and was an amazing gathering of many of the people connected to and supportive of the Kaupapa of the WWP. The event also showed the depth of connection and care that Joe brings to the project, which we are so humbled to have on board.  A big mihi to Tony O’Rourke from ZEAL for hosting us, Norm Hill for leading the powhiri and J...

April 26, 2022

Waikato Wellbeing Project-February 2022 Update

E aku iti, e aku rahi, tēnā koutouIn 2021 we developed and confirmed our operating model, recruited our Kaitiaki Advisory Board, and started to make progress across a number of our SDG target areas - especially rangatahi wellbeing (SDG 4,8,10). We also contributed to the Waikato Housing Initiative (SDG 11) by developing a housing dashboard and supported early stage ideation processes in Hunger and Poverty (SDG 1,2), Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3), Climate Action (SDG 13) and Life on Land/Biodive...

February 5, 2022

Raglan Eco-village Project

Raglan Eco-village Project, a new opportunity is being developing for the wellbeing of our region“It’s all about coming together for the good of both land and people” Nadine, the visionary behind the new Raglan Eco Village says.In Whaingaroa, a wellbeing and ecological initiative is taking shape, the Raglan Eco-Village, a project with a vision that states: “To live in a regenerative way, healing and connecting the whenua and people”.  The idea developed by Nadine Simsar is steadil...

February 1, 2022

Rangatahi Opportunity Project

Over the last few months leading up to the Christmas break, the core team of He Piko He Rangatahi (The Rangatahi Opportunity), have focused on gathering insights and real stories from rangatahi. We did this by conducting empathy interviews with rangatahi and people working with rangatahi. Alongside this, we have received the NIDEA Literature Review which provides qualitative research and a high-level overview of key themes from relevant literature. A total of 21 interviews have be...

February 1, 2022

Waikato Wellbeing Project-November 2021 Update

E aku iti, e aku rahi, tēnā koutouSince our last update we have again experienced the impacts of COVID-19 on our communities, whanau and businesses.  At the WWP, we have had to readjust some of our expectations for the rest of the 2021 year because of the COVID restrictions. For several of our projects, the opportunity to engage kanohi ki te kanohi has not been available and this has seen some of our timeframes move into 2022. We are making great progress especially in our Rangatahi ...

November 23, 2021 Posts 126-150 of 160 | Page prev next