Climathon Waikato
As part of our commitment to SDG 13 Climate Action, the WP has co-sponsored Climathon Waikato (Waikato ( Climathon Waikato is an opportunity for Waikato citizen leaders to use their skills to advance climate solutions, rethink the way we live and create a future we're proud to pass on to the next generation. At the heart of Climathon Waikato was an ideathon - where, from March 28th - April 3rd, teams of innovators worked with fellow changemakers to imagine, explore and develop ...
April 30, 2022Impact Hub ‘TECH FOR GOOD’: TECHWEEK 2022 Online Event
Curious about ‘Tech for Good’ and what it’s all about? Join this virtual event as Impact Hub and friends take a deep-dive into Tech for Good solutions, and how Tech for Good is being progressed in Aotearoa. During this interactive session you will be introduced to Tech for Good founders and teams as they demonstrate their tech solutions to some of Aotearoa’s most pressing problems. You’ll get to enjoy and participate in a discussion between our speakers on how Tech for Good is dri...
April 30, 2022Waikato Wellbeing Knowledge Centre of Excellence
A key goal of the WWP is to contribute towards environmental, social and economic wellbeing without duplicating the roles and functions of other mandated Waikato wellbeing organisations. In addition to the WWP, many organisations in the region collect, analyse and publish data on wellbeing, but these efforts are not fully integrated and coordinated, resulting in a patchwork of information and knowledge. While options exist, there is no identified home for this information at present. We hav...
April 30, 2022WWP Business Plan
In our February update we described the process to develop our business plan to cover the period 2022-23. We described the plan as building up a matrix approach towards the roles and functions we undertake, making clear the choices we have made about: · Which SDGs we prioritise (vertical priorities)· What tools we use (horizontal priorities)· The extent of our involvement- both ver...
April 30, 2022Welcome Joe Wilson!
On Tuesday 26 April a powhiri was held to welcome Joe Wilson to the Waikato Wellbeing Project as our Lead Social Innovator.The powhiri was held at ZEAL in Hamilton and was an amazing gathering of many of the people connected to and supportive of the Kaupapa of the WWP. The event also showed the depth of connection and care that Joe brings to the project, which we are so humbled to have on board. A big mihi to Tony O’Rourke from ZEAL for hosting us, Norm Hill for leading the powhiri and J...
April 26, 2022Waikato Wellbeing Project-February 2022 Update
E aku iti, e aku rahi, tēnā koutouIn 2021 we developed and confirmed our operating model, recruited our Kaitiaki Advisory Board, and started to make progress across a number of our SDG target areas - especially rangatahi wellbeing (SDG 4,8,10). We also contributed to the Waikato Housing Initiative (SDG 11) by developing a housing dashboard and supported early stage ideation processes in Hunger and Poverty (SDG 1,2), Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3), Climate Action (SDG 13) and Life on Land/Biodive...
February 5, 2022Raglan Eco-village Project
Raglan Eco-village Project, a new opportunity is being developing for the wellbeing of our region“It’s all about coming together for the good of both land and people” Nadine, the visionary behind the new Raglan Eco Village says.In Whaingaroa, a wellbeing and ecological initiative is taking shape, the Raglan Eco-Village, a project with a vision that states: “To live in a regenerative way, healing and connecting the whenua and people”. The idea developed by Nadine Simsar is steadil...
February 1, 2022Rangatahi Opportunity Project
Over the last few months leading up to the Christmas break, the core team of He Piko He Rangatahi (The Rangatahi Opportunity), have focused on gathering insights and real stories from rangatahi. We did this by conducting empathy interviews with rangatahi and people working with rangatahi. Alongside this, we have received the NIDEA Literature Review which provides qualitative research and a high-level overview of key themes from relevant literature. A total of 21 interviews have be...
February 1, 2022Waikato Wellbeing Project-November 2021 Update
E aku iti, e aku rahi, tēnā koutouSince our last update we have again experienced the impacts of COVID-19 on our communities, whanau and businesses. At the WWP, we have had to readjust some of our expectations for the rest of the 2021 year because of the COVID restrictions. For several of our projects, the opportunity to engage kanohi ki te kanohi has not been available and this has seen some of our timeframes move into 2022. We are making great progress especially in our Rangatahi ...
November 23, 2021Rangatahi Opportunity-October 2021-Panui
Kia ora tātou katoa,Thank you for attending our Virtual Kick-off Event - your support and feedback has been so invaluable to us! Our Youth Innovators are excited to be working with such a diverse range of passionate collaborators.Due to the Waikato Region being placed under the COVID-19 Alert Level 3 setting - as with most of you - we have had to move all of our operations to the virtual world....
October 28, 2021Waikato Wellbeing Project-September 2021 Update
E aku iti, e aku rahi, tēnā koutouThe re-emergence of COVID-19 has once again put a spotlight on our wellbeing – physically, socially, financially and emotionally. So like our communities, we’ve had to adapt to the uncertainty of lockdowns and have been fortunate to be able to utilise digital tools and technology to continue our mahi for the Waikato Wellbeing Project. Read on to find out more!Kaitiaki Advisory BoardOur Kaitiaki Advisory Board met for the first time on 2...
September 23, 2021Co-chairs appointed to Waikato Wellbeing Advisory Board
Community leaders Delwyn Abraham and Mike Rolton have been appointed co-chairs of the Waikato Wellbeing Project (WWP) Kaitiaki Advisory Board. Harvey Brookes, WWP Executive Director, said Delwyn and Mike’s appointment provides fresh perspectives and an extraordinary depth of experience to ensure the WWP delivers on the expectations of our communities.Delwyn, of Waikato-Maniapoto, Ngāti Whātua and Ngā Puhi descent, was endorsed by Waikato-Tainui. She has a wealth of experience in b...
August 10, 2021Waikato Wellbeing Project-July 2021 Update
Mānawatia te mātahi o te tau! Mānawatia a Matariki!Matariki is a special occasion in Aotearoa New Zealand as it marks the start of the Māori New Year. Signified by the Matariki cluster of stars reappearing in our night sky, this is a time of celebration and reflection.In keeping with this time of Matariki, we’re excited to provide an update on our key workstreams, Advisory Board, our operating model and our first major initiative launch - the Waikato Rangatahi...
July 28, 2021Innovators, Design Thinkers wanted for Youth Initiative
The Waikato Wellbeing Project (WWP) is calling for innovators, data scientists and creative design thinkers to help it in its mission to enable equitable outcomes for rangatahi/youth.Expressions of interest are being sought from rangatahi or anyone with experience working directly with young people to form a core team responsible for progressing the WWP youth opportunity.Harvey Brookes, WWP Executive Director, said the youth opportunity is about uncovering root causes and insights that fundament...
July 8, 2021Waikato Wellbeing Project-May 2021 Update
Tēnā koutou katoaWe’re continuing to make progress across all the key project components which were identified for the first half of 2021: governance, operating model, SDG workstreams and communications. A couple of these have now reached key milestones, which are summarised below.GovernancePutting a governance group in place is a key foundation step for the Waikato Wellbeing Project, ensuring that we have the oversight, support and accountability to succeed. Our governance structure will be...
May 5, 2021Waikato Wellbeing Project - March 2021 Update
Tēnā koutou katoaWith the guidance of our establishment advisory group, Pou Tiaki, we’re continuing to make progress on our operating model and are working towards putting our advisory board in place. At the same time, I’ve been getting out and connecting with manu taki and key stakeholders across the region to understand their wellbeing journey and assess what support the project could offer. The Waikato Wellbeing Project is all about supporting and amplifying the voice of the commun...
March 3, 2021Waikato Wellbeing Project-February 2021 Update
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā kārangaranga maha o te wā,tēnā koutou katoa.He mihi ki a koutou, ngā manutaki o te kaupapa nei,otirā ngā pou o ngā hapori o Waikato.Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi...
February 3, 2021Harvey Brookes-New Lead of Waikato Wellbeing Project
An expert in economic development, strategy and stakeholder relationships will help the Waikato work towards targets for a greener, healthier region with higher living standards for all....
November 25, 2020A Unique Regional Leadership Role to Lift Environmental, Economic and Social Wellbeing
We are looking for a talented and dynamic Executive Director to set up and lead the next phase of the flagship Waikato Wellbeing Project. The Project has worked with communities to set SMART wellbeing targets for the region based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Launched by the Prime Minister in February, it's time now to go all out to achieve the targets for a greener, healthier society with higher living standards and wellbeing for all. This is an extraordinary opportunity for a st...
February 1, 2020 Posts 151-169 of 169 | Page prev